To the Sacramento Children’s Home Community,
Here at SCH, the health and safety of our clients, staff, families, and community is our highest priority. During these difficult times, we remain committed to providing high-quality services. I want to assure everyone that we are closely monitoring the continuously changing Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation, and we continue to follow the advice of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the Governor’s Office and the State and County Departments of Public Health. At this time, Sacramento Children’s Home programs are still providing critical programs and services to children and families throughout our community. While our programs are still serving the needs of our community, our organization has implemented a number of updated policies and procedures to ensure the health and safety of our clients and staff during this turbulent time.
With this in mind, we have implemented procedures in line with Sacramento County recommendations that will reduce access to our administrative and business offices. We ask that if you are in need of any services, please call directly to the programs (numbers can be found here), or call our main number at 916-452-3981. When you call, we will arrange to connect you directly to our programs and assure that you receive the services you need.
In order to reduce unnecessary interactions, we ask that you do not come directly to our administrative and business offices without calling in advance. In most cases, we will be able to assist you without you needing to come in to our offices.
Thank you for your patience and understanding,
David Baker, Ed.D.
Chief Executive Officer
Sacramento Children’s Home