
Through family and community engagement, the Wraparound Program strives to find a permanent family for the children in our program. Our Wraparound Program values the child and family in a manner that shifts from a child-centered, problem-focused view to building on strengths to improve the well-being of the entire family.

  • Wrap creates a strength-based plan with each child and family team
  • Wrap promotes the family voice & choice

The process “wraps” each child and family with tailored services to foster solutions, and provide ongoing case management. The goal of Wraparound is:

  • To move children from group care to family-driven care
  • To provide intensive, individualized service and support to families so that their child can return to live and grow in a safe, stable, permanent family home
  • To shorten the amount of time each child is in the Residential Treatment Program, so they can return to a family environment

Child & Family Team Meetings

The Sacramento Children’s Home Wraparound Program is dedicated to providing an individualized treatment plan to each child in order to provide support and stabilization. Parents, family members and other significant people are an integral part of the process, and must take ownership for the program to be successful.

  • Family-centered approach
  • The team consists of the child, clinician or case manager, biological and extended family, foster family (if placed) and other significant individuals in the child’s life
  • Teams work together, with the clinician, to develop, implement and evaluate an individual plan
  • Treatment plans are focused on major life domain areas – family, living situation, finances, education, recreation, behavioral/emotional, health

Family & Community Engagement

Each child and family team is encouraged to engage in family and community activities together. This helps facilitate the transition from group home living to returning to a family environment.

  • Individualized services are based on the unique strengths, values, norms and preferences of the child, family and community
  • Opportunities that fit the child and family’s identified needs, culture and preferences

Fostering Family Independence

The goal of our Wraparound Program is to shorten the time a child is in the residential treatment program by giving each child, and their team, the tools and support needed to find independence. Case managers work with each child and family team to work through real situations and develop practical solutions that can be applied to family issues and concerns.

  • Families are encouraged to problem solve identified needs and develop a long term plan
  • Family crisis and safety plans are developed
  • Support network in the community
  • Knowledge of community resources

Success Stories

Steven joined the Wraparound Program at the Sacramento Children’s Home in July 2008, and had a history of negative behavior including anger, threatening others, depression, anxiety, and self-harm. While participating in the Wraparound Program, Steven’s behaviors began to stabilize. Steven was focused on improving his behavior, social skills and school achievement. Shortly after Steven entered the Wraparound Program, his wrap team located a prospective foster father, David. After numerous interviews, David appeared to be a good match for Steven. David came highly recommended by his foster agency because of his past experience with foster children, and had proven he was a very loving and successful father. Steven and David met, and were able to form an instant bond. Their visits quickly progressed to day visits, overnight visits, and finally foster placement. Steven could not move fast enough to David’s home! David was very excited to be able to bring Steven home and looked forward to bonding more over their similar interests.Steven has been in foster care with David since June 2010. His wrap team was also able to facilitate his relationship with his former foster mother, whom he still communicates with and visits regularly.

David was asked about the Wraparound Program, and he said “They didn’t mess up the rope,” comparing the Wraparound Program to double-dutch jump rope, “If you don’t have good timing and jump in at the right time, it all gets messed up.”