Success Story – Steven


“They Didn’t Mess Up the Rope”

When Steven joined the Wraparound Program at the Sacramento Children’s Home, he’d had a history of negative behavior including anger, threatening others, depression, anxiety, and self-harm. With help from Wraparound staff, Steven was focused on improving his behavior, social skills, and school achievement. As a result, he began to stabilize and showed great improvement. He was ready to transition out of group care back to a family home.

Shortly after Steven entered the Wraparound Program, his Wrap team located a prospective foster father, David. After numerous interviews, David appeared to be a good match for Steven. David came highly recommended by his foster agency because of his past experience with foster children, and he had proven that he was a very loving and successful father. Steven and David met, and they were able to form an instant bond. Their brief visits quickly progressed to day-long visits, overnight visits, and finally, foster placement. Steven could not move fast enough to David’s home! David was very excited to be able to bring Steven home and looked forward to bonding more over their similar interests.

In addition to finding a perfect new foster placement, Steven’s Wrap team was also able to facilitate a newfound relationship with his former foster mother. He began to communicate with her and visit her regularly. He felt so lucky to have two loving, stable adult figures in his life.

After Steven had moved in with David, David was asked about their experience with the Wraparound Program. He likened it to double-dutch jump rope. “They didn’t mess up the rope,” David said. “If you don’t have good timing and jump in at the right time, it all gets messed up.” Thanks to Steven’s Wrap team, nothing got “messed up,” and his transition to his new home was smooth.

*Names have been changed to protect the identities of our clients.

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